Sunday, June 1, 2014

Copy cat Kent Cakes!

So dad, I think I did it!!! I figured out the method. Well, close enough anyway. My girls had a serious conversation trying to decide which were better, yours or mine....yours won. :) It made my heart happy. I will never be able to replace it, but while your oceans away at least we can remember you through knock off kent cakes!

*this makes a lot! A whole blender full. So half it if you don't want leftover cakes or batter.
4 eggs
3 cups milk
2 cups flour
3 T - 1/4 c sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

Blend up in blender and fry up! Yummy when you use coconut oil on the griddle and on the pancake after it's cooked instead of butter. My girls like powdered sugar and cinnamon on them!

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