Monday, June 23, 2014

Candied Pecans/Almonds

This recipe is from a friend of mine from Switzerland:

200 grams nuts
less than 100 grams sugar
100 ml water
little vanilla

For U.S. cooking, this is the closest I can come to the weight measurements:

1 1/2 cup nuts
1/2 cup of sugar
less that 1/2 cup water but more than 1/3 cup. Go figure....Ha!
little vanilla

Pour nuts, sugar, and water into a heavy pan. Cook on medium/high heat until you see the liquid turn into a dry, sugary powder. Keep cooking just until you see the powder starting to turn into liquid again. You will hear the almonds starting to pop at this stage. Remove it from the heat so it doesn't burn. Pour into a buttered glass dish. Wait for them to cool and eat! Yumm!

You can also add cinnamon or any other flavor to your nuts. Enjoy!

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